The artisan and solidarity beer of Conquistando Escalones, finalist in the ‘I contest of photography of the Sanitary Network of Solidarity of Castellón’

During these dates, the ‘I Photography Contest of the Sanitary Solidarity Network of Castellón’ is being held, whose theme is the “70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Challenges and Realities of the Right to Health”. One of the selected images has been a photograph of our ‘A.C.E. Beer ‘, craft and solidarity beer that seeks to raise funds for medical research of Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F and HIV. Work of Antonio Esteller, who is also the beer master who has created the recipe

Therefore, this image will be displayed, along with 27 other photographs, in an itinerant way over the next 12 months at the headquarters of the 15 entities that are part of the Network:


  • Hon. City Council of Castellón
  • Jaume I University
  • Cardenal Herrera University CEU
  • Illustrious Official College of Dentists
  • Illustrious College of Nurses
  • Illustrious Official College of Pharmacists
  • Illustrious Official Association of Physiotherapists
  • Illustrious College of Physicians
  • Illustrious Official College of Podiatrists
  • Illustrious Col·legi Official of Psychology of the Valencian Community
  • Official Association of Social Work
  • ONGD Ajuda Directa Safané
  • ONGD El Alto Foundation
  • NGO Medicusmundi Mediterrània
  • ONGD Youcanyolé Medical Expedition Project

On April 14, 2018 in the framework of the III Conference of the Sanitary Network of Solidarity of Castellón will be exhibited in the Menador cultural space (Plaza de Huerto Sogueros, 4, Castellón) where they can be visited until April 18. The assistants to these Days will be the ones in charge to vote the best photographies, being the organization the one in charge to gather the data and announce the names of the winners, after which the delivery of prizes will be realized.

As they transmit to us from the organization of the Sanitary Network, in these days we intend to put the accent on the implications and the violations that are taking place at the local and global level as far as the universal right to health is concerned. To do this, we will have the participation of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Valencia, and representatives of entities such as the Citizen Association for the Promotion and Defense of Health of the Valencian Country (ACDESA), of the NGO Doctors of the World, and the Health Bureau of Castellón and the Observatory of the Universal Right to Health of the Valencian Community (ODUSALUD). The second part of the conference will feature cultural activities such as the theater forum offered by the Madalenas Valencia Group and Critical Culture – Theater of the Oppressed, and the voting and awards ceremony of the photographic exhibition titled “Realities and challenges of the right to health “that will be exhibited in the Espai Cultural mentor.

To be able to participate in them, it is necessary to register in the link: the registration is completely free.