Ikaria and Izena’s return to the stage leaves 150 euros for Conquistando Escalones

This past Saturday, August 31, the group Ikaria returned to the stage after a decade without doing so. They did so within the framework of the festivities in honor of the Mare de Déu de Gràcia de Vila-real and their return was, beyond the musical, an act of generosity by raising 150 euros that we will allocate, like all the funds we obtain in Conquistando Escalones, to medical research to find a treatment or cure for Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F/D2 and HIV.

The president of Conquistando Escalones, Abrahán Guirao, once again thanks this gesture both to the members of Ikaria and Izena, the other group that performed last Saturday, as well as to the El Desori and El Sifó clubs for making it possible as well as to the people who made a donation. For their part, Ikaria assures that returning to the stage was a “very nice and exciting” experience, being able to play again in front of an audience, among whom were the children of the band members, since, during this time, some have become parents. And, they point out, they have already been asked about the possibility of playing some more gigs.