Winners of the Charity Raffle of El Racó de Pepa

Some weeks ago a charity dinner took place at the El Racó de Pepa restaurant, which counted with the performance of Toni de l’Hostal, act in favor of Conquistando Escalones, one more event which seeks to raise funds for the cure of 1F Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy and the AIDS.

Some days ago, during the dinner and on the subsequent days, numbers have been sold for the raffle which we have been announcing on our website, social networks and which is on the attached image. After the raffle done on the website of random lotteries, the WINNING numbers are:

Días antes, durante la misma y en días posteriores, se han vendido números para la rifa que os hemos ido anunciando en web, redes sociales y de la cual tenéis la imagen adjunta. Tras el sorteo realizado en la web de sorteos al azar , los números GANADORES son:

Staying at the Rural House Villa Amparín 2

– 0085

Packs of White and Red Magnanimvs Wines (4 bottles of white + 4 of red on each pack)

– 1191

– 0943

– 0475

Pack of iberical cold meat from Casa Jaime

– 1340

Customized Perfume  + Air freshener Mikado from Perfumarte

– 1448

Congratulations! The owners of the indicated numbers can contact with us to receive its prize or calling to 667 70 79 80.

If  the 31st of july arrives and the winners do not appear, the organization keeps the right of do the raffle again or use the products unpicked for a future event of the association.