The French Agency for Research on AIDS (ANRS) funds the study of our mutation
The French Agency for Research on AIDS (ANRS) will support research led by Dr. Alcamí of the AIDS Immunopathology Unit of the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid with € 90,000 (a 3-year job, with support of € 30,000 each). It is a coordinated work of said department with Dr. Nathalie Arhel of the University of Montpellier, an excellent cell biologist expert in intracellular transport and who will analyze the transport of HIV.
The objectives are focused on the blockage of mutant transportin 3 (the protein that causes Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F but makes us immune to HIV) through drug screening and in vitro gene therapy strategies.
From the Conquistando Escalones Association we want to thank such important support to continue advancing in a cure. Even with this, we cannot stop working on fundraising, since this helps us to move forward in something that would be impossible for ourselves, but it does not stop us from needing to pay a person dedicated to our research in the laboratory, as well as being able to continue paying the costs of the rest of the investigations involved.