“Tribalia Danza” Festival in Villajoyosa in favor of Conquistando Escalones

On June 27 will take place in the Auditori La Vila de Villajoyosa (Alicante) the 2017 Festival of “Tribalia Danza”, a show with double pass (from 18:30 to 20:00 and from 20:30 to 22:00) which will raise funds for the Conquistando Escalones Association and thus help our family, who suffers from a degenerative disease called Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F, whose genetic mutation, unique in the world, makes us immune to HIV. Therefore, medical researchers are looking for a cure for us and a new treatment for the tens of millions who suffer from AIDS worldwide. The Conquistando Escalones Association is currently funding 4 groups of world-renowned researchers, who will join once they advance, 2 more researchers, thanks to what they collect in events and donations. In a little more than a year we have paid to these doctors more than € 120,000 so that they can work and need approximately € 200,000 more before 2018 ends so that they do not stop and the discoveries continue to advance.


Buy your ticket for just € 3 at Tribal Dance Academy. C / Constitution nº29 (Villajoyosa)