Autumn Festival in Farra d’Isonzo

On Sunday, October 29th, from 12.00 p.m., we will participate in the Autumn Festival in Farra d’Isonzo, organized by the Association of Voluntary Donors of Blood – Farra d’Isonzo and the Parish of S. María Assunta – Farra d ‘ Isonzo. This year the funds raised will go to benefit our association! There will be a solidarity meal in favor of our Association, then children’s and youth games, chestnuts and “ribolla” wine, brisca, solidarity raffle with gastronomic prizes … in short, a pleasant day for all tastes!

For the occasion,on  Monday, October 23 at 20.00. we will present our Association in the parish “S. Maria “in Farra d’Isonzo.

Join us, we await you all!
