‘Cinderella in the magical world’. The Christmas musical arrives in Vila-real on December 30
After the success of last Christmas with ‘Disnemania’, Toy Productions comes back to Vila-real from the hand of Conquistando Escalones with the musical for the whole family, based on the classic Disney, ‘Cinderella in the Magic World’. It will take place on Sunday December 30, in double session (16:30 and 18:45).
The tickets are numbered and are now on sale at Servientradas.com at a price of € 10: https://www.servientradas.com/espectaculo/ENTRADAS/87/cenicienta-en-el-mundo-magico.html
Tickets can also be purchased for € 10 in physical format at Wanda Parc (Avda. Pío XII 34) and if not sold out before, the day of the musical at the Auditorium box office at € 13.
The benefits of the event will go directly to the medical research of the Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F and HIV. From Conquistando Escalones we want to thank the Ajuntament de Vila-real and the VillarrealCF for their collaboration.