Raúl Pérez shows his commitment to Conquistando Escalones on Abrahán Guirao’s Twitch
The well-known screenwriter, comedian and impersonator, Raúl Pérez, has been the last guest on Twitch of the president of Conquistando Escalones, Abrahán Guirao. Pérez has been interested in Guirao’s health, something to which the president has replied that “despite being a degenerative disease and that I am getting worse every time, it is true that on a mental level I am doing quite well and I am in one of the happiest stages of my life”.
The well-known imitator has not asked in vain, since for years he has followed the Association and has even participated in some of the activities that are carried out such as the cheese tasting that was done with the Quesomentero restaurant online. In this sense, Pérez has been interested in the state of the investigations as a result of the latest news published regarding them and has expressed his discomfort with “the treatment that, sometimes, is given to public health and research ” since he considers it essential “both for this and for other diseases”.
One more example of the time that Raúl Pérez has been following the Association, is that when the book “El torneo de su vida” was launched, he was one of the people who helped with the dissemination and during the talk he confessed that “the book has it Emma, my eldest daughter, and we spent quite a few nights reading it.” “Abrahán, you say that you don’t want to grill but perhaps, with these things, you have to grill because they are precisely less visible or take up less space, fewer covers or articles than they should because we are talking about something that is important, health , and that’s it.” At the same time, he has shown himself willing to continue collaborating because “after all, we are talking about health, about research and in the end, we all like to be well.”
Pérez and Guirao have shared a pleasant chat in which Pérez, apart from answering questions about his career, has talked about his dream of doing theater: “I would love it, it is something I have in mind in the short or medium term… or when I get out” and he has also reviewed his professional career and has addressed the effort necessary to achieve notoriety.
And would Abrahán Guirao be imitable? Pérez has responded that “we are all imitable”. “You are imitable, without a doubt and although I have not been focusing on you because I have been asking what you were asking me to answer but at a given moment I was looking at you… and you have a touch, if you take off your beard, to Ibai. You could do it”.