Xavi Castillo returns to Vila-real on January 12 to do the ‘moniato’

On January 12, the Valencian comedian Xavi Castillo with his company Pot de Plom returns to Vila-real and once again collaborating with the Conquistando Escalones Association. This time we will be able to enjoy “30 anys fent el moniato!”, in which Castillo reviews his three decades on stage from the first monologues, in the l’Escenari pub in Alcoi, to the last Yonkis del dinero.

As indicated by the president of Conquistando Escalones, Abrahán Guirao, “we are very grateful to Pot de Plom, in general, and to Xavi Castillo in particular for their constant willingness to help us and offer us affordable conditions so that the event has the lowest possible risk and we can obtain the highest possible revenue for research; a formula of elements that is difficult to achieve when we organize an event. Furthermore, Xavi’s performances are always well received by the public and we hope that this time it will be no less.”

Thus, the Auditori Músic Rafael Beltràn Moner in Vila-real, will host on Friday, January 12 at 10:00 p.m., this show organized by the Conquistando Escalones Association with the collaboration of the Vila-real City Council and the Department of Culture.

Tickets are now on sale at our Efecte Vila-real offices (Avenida La Murà, 3. Entresuelo, office 8) and on the Servientradas website. In advance it is a donation of €12, at the box office it will be €15. Remember that, like the rest of the events we organize, this is a solidarity show to benefit research on Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F/D2 and HIV.