Sergio Bezos arrives to Almassora with Conquistando Escalones

Not even a year has passed and the monologist Sergio Bezos returns to the province of Castellón. This time, the show Sergio Bezos has arrived in your city will stop at the Almassora House of Culture on February 11, at 6:00 p.m. A show that is sponsored by the Almassora City Council, which also provides the space for the performance, and that will once again raise funds for the medical research that we promote at Conquistando Escalones to find a cure for Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F/D2.

The collaborator and resident comedian of David Broncano’s late night, La Resistencia (Movistar +), will tell us about his life experiences from his peculiar point of view and mixing it with improvisation. Thus, for just over an hour the public will be able to enjoy a unique and quite uncontrolled ecosystem. Bezos has collaborated on different programs such as Vodafone Yu, Gente Viva and Phi Beta Lambda.

Tickets are now on sale through the web portal for a donation of 10 euros (15 at the box office).